Why does FairAGR exist? What problem are we trying to solve?

Every technology company come across various types of requirements, either from the market or from their existing clients, which are out of that companies capacity or expertise. So, that company let go that lead.

At the same time some technology companies are stressed maintaining their bench and looking for a work.

We are trying to solve this problem by connecting both the companies through our semi automated process by creating a win-win-win situation for all the stakeholders involved in the transaction.

This is 100% performance based marketing activity. We do not charge our service provider / external partner unless he gets the money into his bank account. We get paid only after our partner gets paid.

FairAGR is a community of technology companies and the companies which are providing allied services like digital marketing, branding, 2D, 3D animation etc. and we help these companies sustain and grow.

- Rohit Phadnis
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